Thursday, May 29, 2008

HOW TO: Set the PowerCenter service Custom Properties
To add an undocumented PowerCenter parameter (Integration Service or Repository Service Custom Property ) do the following in the Informatica PowerCenter (8.1.x or 8.5.x) Administration Console:
Stop the Integration Service (or Repository Service).
Select the Integration Service (or Repository Service).
Under the Properties tab, click Edit in the Custom Properties section.
Under Name enter the name of the undocumented parameter.
Enter the value for the parameter under Value .
AggSupprtWithNoPartLic = Yes
Click OK .
Start the Integration Service (or Repository Service

1 comment:

William Bob said...

Your explanation is confusing. Your example has a name "XMLinUTF8", and then a value "AggSupprtWithNoPartLic = Yes".

That makes no sense to me on two levels:
1) I don't see the connection between your name and value
2) Your "value" looks like a name = value pair.

But more importantly, I cannot seem to find the answer to my real question: Can I create MY OWN parameters which will be available to all workflows run by the integration service?